About Us

Type approvals

A World Wide Consultant For Wireless Equipments Certifications!

About Us

Technographik Compliance Services, is ISO 27001:2013 Certified, with headquarters in Bahrain, offices in India, local representations in Middle-East, India, MENA region, specialised in consultancy services, Homologation, Wireless Type Approvals, Regulatory Compliance, IT and Telecom Software, IT Security Consulting and Trainings, offering services in Bahrain, India, Middle-East and MENA region. Obtain TRA and DWLFM Type Approval in Bahrain for wireless devices, it’s import in MENA region, Energy Efficiency Certifications, consultancy on compliance requirements in Bahrain, India and Middle-East. We regularly interact with regulatory authorities and government departments. .

Technographik, specializes in the international Type Approval of wireless communication devices, electrical, electronic domestic, commercial use products. Our local presence ensures cost efficiency, accountability, tracking status for your approvals, facilitate the approval process and offer in-country legal services. Technographik, provide market access related services, obtain TRA or DWLFM Type Approval in Bahrain for wireless devices, its export or import in MENA region, Energy Efficiency Certifications assistance, and offer consultancy on various facets of compliance requirements in Bahrain and the MENA region. We regularly interact with regulatory authorities and government departments, and make necessary suggestions wherever required, which include making the type approval process completely online, avoiding paper, and thereby preserving the nature. Our professional compliance services partners and local contacts in MENA region extend solid support to our esteemed clients to apply for certifications throughout MENA region.


Technographik, also specializes in the international Type Approval of wireless communication devices, electrical and electronic domestic and commercial use products. We have offered excellent lead-times, cost efficiency, and ensured that Homologation and Type Approval process is simple. Our local presence ensures cost efficiency and instant tracking status for your approval applications, facilitate the approval process and offer in-country legal . Our team has expertise to suggest the cost effective regulatory strategies to achieve all your needs.


We do regular TCF reviews, screen samples, create necessary bespoke documents, provide full time logistics support, facilitate rapid application dossiers, sample shipping whenever required, and swift resolution of customs issues.


Technographik, as your local representative helps you to reduce the overhead costs of establishing an office in Bahrain or the immediate neighbourhood. We will learn your culture, values, vision and mission to do projects the way that your company wants to execute it with your own staff in Bahrain. We learn to be your outsourced office in Bahrain and we ensure that your data is secure within the allowed framework of our MOU and NDA. We are ISO certified and strive to practice the highest level of professional ethics.

A World Wide Consultant for Wireless Equipments Certifications!

A-Z support for Manufacturer's and Laboratories seeking Type Approval

We can assist manufacturers and laboratories to determine the most economical methods to guarantee their products to comply with the requirements of global regulatory authorities.

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